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Chili - Ile de Paques - Mission scientifique dirigee par l'archeologue italien Giuseppe Orefici : L’oiseau, symbole de liberté : ce dont les rescapés des violentes batailles sur cette ile-prison manquaient le plus. Au 17eme siècle, la nouvelle religion de l'homme oiseau changea de symbole mais aussi de decor, et s’etabli sur le site d’Orongo, situé sur le flanc sud ouest du cratere Rano Kao, le plus grand de l’ile. Les multiples petits etangs situes au fond du cratere changent de forme en permanence : ils etaient consideres comme hebergeant l’ame des morts. // Chile - Easter Island - Scientific mission led by Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Orefici: The bird, symbol of freedom: what the survivors of the violent battles on this island-prison lacked the most. In the 17th century, the new religion of the birdman changed its symbol but also its decor, and settled on the site of Orongo, located on the southwestern flank of the Rano Kao crater, the largest on the island. The many small ponds located at the bottom of the crater constantly change shape: they were considered to harbor the souls of the dead.
© Stéphane Compoint
Chili - Ile de Paques - Mission scientifique dirigee par l'archeologue italien Giuseppe Orefici : L’oiseau, symbole de liberté : ce dont les rescapés des violentes batailles sur cette ile-prison manquaient le plus. Au 17eme siècle, la nouvelle religion de l'homme oiseau changea de symbole mais aussi de decor, et s’etabli sur le site d’Orongo, situé sur le flanc sud ouest du cratere Rano Kao, le plus grand de l’ile. Les multiples petits etangs situes au fond du cratere changent de forme en permanence : ils etaient consideres comme hebergeant l’ame des morts. // Chile - Easter Island - Scientific mission led by Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Orefici: The bird, symbol of freedom: what the survivors of the violent battles on this island-prison lacked the most. In the 17th century, the new religion of the birdman changed its symbol but also its decor, and settled on the site of Orongo, located on the southwestern flank of the Rano Kao crater, the largest on the island. The many small ponds located at the bottom of the crater constantly change shape: they were considered to harbor the souls of the dead.

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:: Stéphane Compoint - 9 rue de la Vistule 75013 Paris France - Tel : +33 6 08 75 75 57 - email : sc@stephanecompoint.com ::
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