© Stéphane Compoint
Paris (75) - Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris : A hauteur des portails de la facade ouest. Au nord de la facade ouest, ebrasement lateral gauche du portail de la Vierge. Il est orne de statues de l'atelier de Viollet le Duc, parmi lesquelles ont reconnait (de gauche a droite) un roi et Saint Denis encadre par deux anges. Altitude 7 metres. // France - Paris (75) - Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris : At the height of the portals of the west facade. North of the west facade, left side spalying of the portal of the Virgin. It is decorated with statues of the workshop of Viollet le Duc, among which were recognized (left to right) a king and Saint Denis flanked by two angels. Altitude 7 meters.