© Stéphane Compoint
Paris (75) - Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris : A l'interieur de la tour sud, le bourdon nomme Emmanuel. Fondu en 1762 par le parisien Florentin Le Gay, il est devenu celebre dans le monde entier sous la plume de Victor Hugo et de son personnage Quasimodo. D'un diametre de 2,62 metres et d'un poids de 12,8 tonnes, il donne la note Fa Diese. A lui seul, son battant pese 500 kg. // France - Paris (75) - Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris : nside the south tower, the big bell named Emmanuel. Fade in 1762 by the parisian Florentin Le Gay, it became famous worldwide because of the writings of Victor Hugo and his character Quasimodo. With a diameter of 2.62 meters and a weight of 12.8 tonnes, it gives the note F Sharp. By itself, its clapper has a weight of 500 kg.