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After digging for 2 days, Daniele Vitali’s team has finally excavated the tomb of a Celtic warrior with weaponry intact. The sword, sheath, spearheads and javelin are exactly the same as those found in the Celtic tombs of the Northern Alps.  However, the presence of Etruscan funerary furnishings in this same tomb reveal that as early as the 4th century BCE, the native Etruscan population and the Celtic newcomers were already intermingling.
© Stéphane Compoint
After digging for 2 days, Daniele Vitali’s team has finally excavated the tomb of a Celtic warrior with weaponry intact. The sword, sheath, spearheads and javelin are exactly the same as those found in the Celtic tombs of the Northern Alps. However, the presence of Etruscan funerary furnishings in this same tomb reveal that as early as the 4th century BCE, the native Etruscan population and the Celtic newcomers were already intermingling.

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