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Tilviche Canyon, Atacama Desert, Chile.
This geoglyph drawn on a cliff face dates from the 10th century AD;  it represents a flock of lamas and their herdsman making their way towards the ocean.  This huge fresco, 55 metres wide, probably served as a landmark for the caravans that set off from the first foothills of the cordillera of the Andes, crossed the desert, and ended their journey at the edge of the Pacific Ocean.  The drawings - on a 35° slope - were meant to be seen from the other side of the canyon; the perspective and proportions are perfect.
© Stéphane Compoint
Tilviche Canyon, Atacama Desert, Chile. This geoglyph drawn on a cliff face dates from the 10th century AD; it represents a flock of lamas and their herdsman making their way towards the ocean. This huge fresco, 55 metres wide, probably served as a landmark for the caravans that set off from the first foothills of the cordillera of the Andes, crossed the desert, and ended their journey at the edge of the Pacific Ocean. The drawings - on a 35° slope - were meant to be seen from the other side of the canyon; the perspective and proportions are perfect.

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