© Stéphane Compoint
The Chemin des Dames (outlined in red), situation of sites:
A: The Chemin des Dames, now a small paved road, photo 62.
B: The Cave of the Dragon remains and place to visit, photos 63-66.
C: The plateau of California, photos 67-70.
D and E: The mutinies of the Chemin des Dames, photos 71-74.
F: The destroyed village of Craonne, photos 75-78.
G: The destroyed village of Oulches-la-Vallée-Foulon, 79-80.
H: The destroyed abbey of Vauclerc, photos 81-82.
I: In the village of Soupir, the detroyed castle and the french and German cemeteries, photos 83-85.