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Paali Site: The Dating Process. In order to determine the age of the bones discovered at Lundo, the team travels to another site 10 kilometers west, staying in the same geological layer. In this area the team searches for fossils of small mammal species of which the evolution is already known, such as small rodents. These microfossils are called ‘markers’, and help to accurately date the geological layers.  After several weeks of sifting through close to 100 million particles, the search is successful: a hundred teeth and a few vertebrae fossils are found (teeth withstand decay much longer than other parts of the organism, due to their structure and enamel). Surrounded by King Nawab’s guards, Jean Loup Welcomme at work, sifting.
© Stéphane Compoint
Paali Site: The Dating Process. In order to determine the age of the bones discovered at Lundo, the team travels to another site 10 kilometers west, staying in the same geological layer. In this area the team searches for fossils of small mammal species of which the evolution is already known, such as small rodents. These microfossils are called ‘markers’, and help to accurately date the geological layers. After several weeks of sifting through close to 100 million particles, the search is successful: a hundred teeth and a few vertebrae fossils are found (teeth withstand decay much longer than other parts of the organism, due to their structure and enamel). Surrounded by King Nawab’s guards, Jean Loup Welcomme at work, sifting.
Term of use: All pictures are © Stéphane Compoint except : pic n° 56 to 60 : © Gedeon Programmes (www.gedeonprogrammes.com)

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