© Stéphane Compoint
Located 100 km southwest of Meroe, the site of Mussawarat was an important place of pilgrimage to the Meroitic period. Here, the temple called "Elephant" (The Great Enclosure), which probably housed a pen of wild animals for royal hunts. On the south facade of the Temple Elephants, a graffiti reflects the passage of the French explorer Frédéric Caillaud, discoverer of the pyramids of Meroe, "Jesus year 1822, Frederick Cailliaud visited the ruins known. He came mended France, supported by Prince Ismail Pasha. it has penetrated beyond the Fasoql by 10 degrees latitude where he visited the pagan peoples. "The team of Dr. Salah El Din Ahmed Mohammed (right), a famous archaeologist and director of excavations of the NCAM (National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums) makes visit to Mr. Menno Welling (center), from ICOMOS.