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Found in 1910 during an archaeological excavation at the foot of the temple of Kushit Victory, in the royal city of Meroe (photos 38 and 39), the famous bronze head of Augustus (27 BC - 14 AD) comes from a statue of the Roman Emperor in uniform, taken by the Kushite army in an attack on the Roman lower Nubia (Aswan region and the first cataract). The eyes are made of glass and stone. Like coins, statues were essential to imperial propaganda and to remind all the power of Rome. The head was buried under the steps of the temple and was probably placed there to be continually trodden by his captors.
© Stéphane Compoint
Found in 1910 during an archaeological excavation at the foot of the temple of Kushit Victory, in the royal city of Meroe (photos 38 and 39), the famous bronze head of Augustus (27 BC - 14 AD) comes from a statue of the Roman Emperor in uniform, taken by the Kushite army in an attack on the Roman lower Nubia (Aswan region and the first cataract). The eyes are made of glass and stone. Like coins, statues were essential to imperial propaganda and to remind all the power of Rome. The head was buried under the steps of the temple and was probably placed there to be continually trodden by his captors.

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