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Monday, May 24, 5.00 pm: the crowd is walking in the middle of the various sectors of the forest, not far from the Place de l'Etoile. Lying in the truck to transport, the trees have been planted on arrival. Each piece forms a fund of 72.5 centimeters and is coated with a thin layer of grass. To show the dialogue between the city and nature, Gad Weil did not want to remove the traffic lights.
© Stéphane Compoint
Monday, May 24, 5.00 pm: the crowd is walking in the middle of the various sectors of the forest, not far from the Place de l'Etoile. Lying in the truck to transport, the trees have been planted on arrival. Each piece forms a fund of 72.5 centimeters and is coated with a thin layer of grass. To show the dialogue between the city and nature, Gad Weil did not want to remove the traffic lights.

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