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This depiction of god Priapus weighing his penis is located in the entrance hall of the House of Vetii, one of the city’s wealthiest houses.  It is the first sight upon passing the threshold.  This painting is there to ward off bad fate. Today we understand the importance Pompeians attributed to crossing the threshold of a door.  This image, long deemed indecent, was hidden by a little closet. The site’s guard would open the door only to male tourists, or in exchange for a tip.  Priapus, god of fertility (also god of gardens and of the vine), warded off evil spirits and ensured prosperity.
© Stéphane Compoint
This depiction of god Priapus weighing his penis is located in the entrance hall of the House of Vetii, one of the city’s wealthiest houses. It is the first sight upon passing the threshold. This painting is there to ward off bad fate. Today we understand the importance Pompeians attributed to crossing the threshold of a door. This image, long deemed indecent, was hidden by a little closet. The site’s guard would open the door only to male tourists, or in exchange for a tip. Priapus, god of fertility (also god of gardens and of the vine), warded off evil spirits and ensured prosperity.

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